Department Commander |
Kevin Morello of Black Hawk (Piedmont Post) SD The American Legion, Department of South Dakota, Commander |
Department Vice Commander |
Department Vice Commander |
Brian Dean Districts 1 & 2 |
Kevin Hempel Districts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 |
Department Officers
C. P. "Van" Van Delist Adjutant |
Fred Nelson National Executive Committeeman |
Krisma DeWitt Finance Officer
David Booze Americanism Officer
Bill Peters Membership |
Doug Feltman Alternate National Executive Committeeman |
Fred Lee Historian |
Greg Geiman Sergeant-at-Arms |
Harry Boner Children and Youth |
Matt Pillar Service Officer |
Jay Leibel Judge Advocate |
Mike Kumm Chaplain |
District Commanders
Marv Tisdall District 1 Commander |
Christopher Rendon District 2 Commander |
Steve Stier District 3 Commander |
Ted Kimball District 4 Commander |
Clayton Nei District 5 Commander |
Jim Pekron District 6 Commander |
Andy Lyngen District 7 Commander |
Steve Mueller District 8 Commander |