Call To Action

CALL TO ACTION Alert Notification Procedure

The purpose of the Call to Action Alert Notification procedure is to notify those Veterans, American Legion Family members, or anyone in general, that wishes to sign up and receive updates via email the current bills before the State Legislature that have the potential to affect the veterans, American Legion Family members, and military personnel and families of South Dakota.  The Call to Action updates are also designed as a reminder to contact Legislators and let them know you’re stance about a particular bill whether it be in Committee or on the House/Senate Floor.

If you would like to be added to the email list and receive any CALL-TO-ACTION alerts, please provide State Headquarters with your email address and we will be glad to add you to the list.  All CALL-TO-ACTION alerts are sent via email only.  You may also call State Headquarters at 605-886-3604 to let us know your email address information if you wish.

Email State Headquarters